When the Bible says that 'Jesus became poor' {2Cor8:9}, people look at it in terms of material possessions going as far as saying that He could not afford His basic needs, and depended on others. But they miss point all-together. God cannot lack. Jesus humbled himself so much so, even to fit in a planet in form of a man (God cannot be confined) .. (see Phil2:5-11); a human who gets tempted, who gets hungry, who gets worn out, who has needs. This is the poverty that God talks about. He limited himself so much to become like us, so that we might become like Him. (He became poor, that we might be rich).
God allowed Himself, in the form of Jesus, to feel pain, and suffering, to be tempted, to live under law and not grace. In this way, he became poor. He felt first-hand how hard it was to live under the limitations of the law. The Bible says 'He was tempted in every way yet was without sin' {Hebrews 2:18; 4:15}. He came full of grace, and preached love and forgiveness and acceptance, mercy, freedom from bondage, righteousness and holiness.
We're rich!
{2Cor5:17} Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
{1Peter2:9} But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
We're rich, not just materially, but spiritually for we have eternal hope through Christ Jesus. We're rich in the love of God, in his grace. We're rich in that Jesus died for our sins, and rose that we might live freely ever after(eternally).
He took all our infirmities.
We're healed. We're rich.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Does anybody hear me?
I stand in the midst of the people,
Lost, trying to find meaning for life,
Indecisive, confused and fickle,
Behind the shadows longing to thrive.
Lost, trying to find meaning for life,
Indecisive, confused and fickle,
Behind the shadows longing to thrive.
In the midst of so much noise,
Lost in all the confusion,
Longing just to hear that voice,
That draws me away from illusion.
Lost in all the confusion,
Longing just to hear that voice,
That draws me away from illusion.
Even though I’m growing weary,
I’ve yet to quite give up,
Cried but no more teary,
Running but without a map.
I’ve yet to quite give up,
Cried but no more teary,
Running but without a map.
Someone told me that Jesus cares,
That He came to save me from death,
And that in His word he declares,
His love transcends any form of depth.
So I let out a loud cry,
That all would be still,
As I seek to hear Him say,
I’ll save you from all things cruel.
But the noise keep getting louder,
I’m getting desperate Lord can you hear,
And as I expect the Lord in all His grandeur,
He whispers ‘Child I’m always near’.
He opens my eyes to the reality,
That he’s always been by my side,
And I can now see with all clarity,
That my fears all along made me blind.
That He came to save me from death,
And that in His word he declares,
His love transcends any form of depth.
So I let out a loud cry,
That all would be still,
As I seek to hear Him say,
I’ll save you from all things cruel.
But the noise keep getting louder,
I’m getting desperate Lord can you hear,
And as I expect the Lord in all His grandeur,
He whispers ‘Child I’m always near’.
He opens my eyes to the reality,
That he’s always been by my side,
And I can now see with all clarity,
That my fears all along made me blind.
More of you
I want more of you
I want more of you Jesus
Cause the more I know you
The more I want to know you
As you are you have made me on earth
There’s nothing greater than this
That is why I will love you evermore
More of you
More of you
More of you
Jesus more of you
Jesus more of you
More of You
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Be of Good Courage
I looked for these lyrics when this song came in my heart. I remember in high school how we used to sing along this song from the famous 'hymn book'. I actually knew the lyrics well. Back then it was protocol to sing along. It had to be done every morning when we habitually assembled.
It wasn't until now that the lyrics pierced through my heart, with their meaning and context ringing loud in my head.
We need courage in this life. There are enough things around us to make us coil back in fear. But God says, 'BE COURAGEOUS' 'BE OF GOOD COURAGE'. {Joshua1:6-9 }. Its interesting that the Lord put it forth as a command. It wasn't a request. He specifically said "Good Courage". Suffice it to say, there is bad courage. The kind that leads us into doing stupid things where consequences follow us. The Lord is not talking about showing how strong you are, in might or deed. I tend to think that He was talking about not being intimidated by anything, knowing well that He {The Lord}, is always on our side. There fore our courage solely rests upon the assurance that the Lord is on our side. And its a command.

Its actually a sin to be cowardly.
{Rev 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”}
How can sexual immorality and cowardice be mentioned in the same breath? Did you know that the devil is a coward? Cowardly people are not obedient to God. They choose the easy way out. It takes courage to obey God. You have to go out of your way and choose obedience, even when there are much simpler options, if we look at it from a worldly perspective. Its easier to give a bribe, for example, than to face the law. Its also cowardly. And cowardice and sexual immorality, to God, are one and the same: Both are sin.
Is there trouble in your life: Be of good courage, for the Lord is on your side.
Do not be scared of lack.
Do not be scared of disease.
Do not be scared of war.
Do not be scared of death.
Do not be scared of men.
Be of "Good Courage".
Courage, brother, do not stumble,
Though thy path be dark as night;
There's a star to guide the humble:
Trust in God and do the right.
Let the road be rough and dreary,
And its end far out of sight,
Foot it bravely; strong or weary,
Trust in God and do the right.
Perish policy and cunning,
Perish all that fears the light!
Whether losing, whether winning,
Trust in God and do the right,
Trust no party, sect or faction;
Trust no leaders in the fight;
Put in every word or action,
Trust in God and do the right.
Some will hate thee, some will love thee,
Some will flatter, some will slight;
Cease from man, and look above thee:
Trust in God and do the right.
Simple rule, and safest guiding,
Inward peace and inward might,
Star upon our path abiding,
Trust in God and do the right.
It wasn't until now that the lyrics pierced through my heart, with their meaning and context ringing loud in my head.
We need courage in this life. There are enough things around us to make us coil back in fear. But God says, 'BE COURAGEOUS' 'BE OF GOOD COURAGE'. {Joshua1:6-9 }. Its interesting that the Lord put it forth as a command. It wasn't a request. He specifically said "Good Courage". Suffice it to say, there is bad courage. The kind that leads us into doing stupid things where consequences follow us. The Lord is not talking about showing how strong you are, in might or deed. I tend to think that He was talking about not being intimidated by anything, knowing well that He {The Lord}, is always on our side. There fore our courage solely rests upon the assurance that the Lord is on our side. And its a command.

Its actually a sin to be cowardly.
{Rev 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”}
How can sexual immorality and cowardice be mentioned in the same breath? Did you know that the devil is a coward? Cowardly people are not obedient to God. They choose the easy way out. It takes courage to obey God. You have to go out of your way and choose obedience, even when there are much simpler options, if we look at it from a worldly perspective. Its easier to give a bribe, for example, than to face the law. Its also cowardly. And cowardice and sexual immorality, to God, are one and the same: Both are sin.
Is there trouble in your life: Be of good courage, for the Lord is on your side.
Do not be scared of lack.
Do not be scared of disease.
Do not be scared of war.
Do not be scared of death.
Do not be scared of men.
Be of "Good Courage".
Courage, brother, do not stumble,
Though thy path be dark as night;
There's a star to guide the humble:
Trust in God and do the right.
Let the road be rough and dreary,
And its end far out of sight,
Foot it bravely; strong or weary,
Trust in God and do the right.
Perish policy and cunning,
Perish all that fears the light!
Whether losing, whether winning,
Trust in God and do the right,
Trust no party, sect or faction;
Trust no leaders in the fight;
Put in every word or action,
Trust in God and do the right.
Some will hate thee, some will love thee,
Some will flatter, some will slight;
Cease from man, and look above thee:
Trust in God and do the right.
Simple rule, and safest guiding,
Inward peace and inward might,
Star upon our path abiding,
Trust in God and do the right.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead
It's evident you run the show, so let me back down
You take the leading role, and I'll play the background
I know I miss my cues, know I forget my lines
I'm sticking to your script, and I'm reading all your signs
I don't need my name in lights, I don't need a starring role
Why gain the whole wide world, If I'm just going lose my soul
And my ways ain't purified, don't live according to Your Word
I can't endure this life without Your wisdom being heard
So word to every dance, a foe, a pop star
'Cause we all play the background, but mine's a rockstar
Yeah, so if you need me I'll be stage right
Praying the whole world will start embracing stage fright
So let me fall back, stop giving my suggestions
'Cause when I follow my obsessions, I end up confessing
That I'm not that impressive, matter of fact
I'm who I are, a trail of stardust leading to the superstar
I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead
I had a dream that I was captain of my soul
I was master of my fate, lost control. and then I sank
So I don't want to take the lead, 'cause I'm prone to make mistakes
All the folks who follow me, going end up in the wrong place
So let me just shadow you, let me trace your lines
Matter of fact, just take my pen, here, you create my rhymes
'Cause if I do this by myself, I'm scared that I'll succeed
And no longer trust in you, 'cause I only trust in me
And see, that's how you end up headed to destruction
Paving a road to nowhere, pour your life out for nothing
You pulled my card, I'm bluffing, You know what's in my hand
Me, I'm just going to trust you, You cause the dice to land
I'm in control of nothing, follow you at any cost
Some call it sovereign will, all I know is you the boss
Man, I'm so at ease, I'm so content
I'll play the background, like it's an instrument
I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead
I know I'm safest when I'm in Your will, and trust Your Word
I know I'm dangerous when I trust myself, my vision blurred
And I ain't got no time to play life's foolish games
Got plenty aims, but do they really Glorify Your name
And it's a shame, the way I want to do these things for You
Don't even cling to you, take time to sit and gleam from You
Seems You were patient in my ignorance
If ignorance is bliss, it's 'cause she never heard of this
I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead
I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead.
The Lord is His Name
How magnificent is grace! How malignant is guilt! How sweet are the promises! How sour is the past! How Precious and broad is God's love! How petty and narrow are man's limitations! How refreshing is the Lord!
Holy Father in heaven, your power provides us with hope - hope to start afresh, even though we have failed; hope to walk in moral purity, even though we are weak.
How the Lord cares for his sheep! How he loves and rescues us! How often He lifts us when we are low and supports us when we are weak!
Only One person can step into life and give it happiness when health fails - and give it peace even when possessions fade - and give it security when savings fly away.
Holy Father in heaven, your power provides us with hope - hope to start afresh, even though we have failed; hope to walk in moral purity, even though we are weak.
How the Lord cares for his sheep! How he loves and rescues us! How often He lifts us when we are low and supports us when we are weak!
Only One person can step into life and give it happiness when health fails - and give it peace even when possessions fade - and give it security when savings fly away.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
When I say I'm a Christian
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I was lost!"
That is why I chose this Way."
I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I was lost!"
That is why I chose this Way."
When I say “I’m a Christian”,
I don’t speak of it with pride.
I’m confessing that I stumble,
And need Christ to be my guide.
When I say “I’m a Christian”,
I’m not trying to be strong.
I’m professing that I’m weak,
And need His strength to carry on.
When I say “I’m a Christian”,
I’m not bragging of success.
I’m admitting I have failed,
And need God to clean my mess.
When I say “I’m a Christian”,
I’m not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible,
But God believes I’m worth it.
When I say “I’m a Christian”,
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches,
So I call upon His name.
When I say "I am a Christian",
I do not wish to judge.
For I have no authority,
I only know I'm loved.
Carol S. Wimmer
I do not wish to judge.
For I have no authority,
I only know I'm loved.
Carol S. Wimmer
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